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SPEED | 01.03.2019 | Benedikt Böhm

SPEED Transalp: In 36 hours on touring skis across the Alps – record attempt by Benedikt Böhm for a good cause

A classic Transalp, usually accomplished on foot or by bike, takes outdoor athletes, as a rule, from four to six days to go from Germany to Italy. Benedikt “Beni” Böhm – speed alpinist, extreme athlete and Dynafit boss – has something like this in mind … except on touring skis and non-stop in less than 36 hours! On March 9, 2019, at 4 a.m., Beni will start out on his project SPEED Transalp NONSTOP. He plans to tick off 210 kilometers and 14,500 meters of vert on touring skis in one push from Ruhpolding in Germany to Kasern in South Tirol/Italy. In addition to his own sought-after record of 36 hours, he is also dedicating the project to a good cause. The SPEED Transalp will support the Albert-Schweitzer Children’s Village and Family Facility that offers care to needy children. The best part: Everybody can participate and help the cause!

Beni has an ambitious goal. The focus of the SPEED Transalp is not only an athletic goal, but also support for the Albert-Schweitzer Children’s Village and Family Facility. Beni has three children himself and would like to help needy children with his project and make a local contribution.


From March 4 to 10, 2019, you can purchase the Performance Dry Slim Headband for a special price of 10 Euro (normally 18 Euro). All proceeds will be donated in the end to the Albert-Schweitzer Children’s Village and Family Facility. If Beni completes his SPEED Transalp project in less than 36 hours, he will personally match all proceeds. He will of course give everything he is to achieve this record!

For example:

100 headbands sold = 1,000 Euro donated by Dynafit
SPEED Transalp under 36 hours: 1,000 Euro (headbands sold) x 2 = 2,000 Euro donated


We of course are crossing our fingers that Beni accomplishes his goal of 36 hours and hope that he has lots of supporters! If you would like to follow the action live, you can do this on our Instagram feed. We will accompany Beni during his project SPEED Transalp and will keep you up-to-date with Instagram Stories:

Albert-Schweitzer Children’s Village and Family Facility

SPEED Transalp – Benedikt Böhm will match donations if he achieves his goal

The non-profit Albert-Schweitzer Children’s Village and Family Facility organization is actively committed all across Germany to helping disadvantaged children, youth and families. In particular young people in difficult life situations are assisted with a variety of offerings. The emphasis in the process is on creating positive life conditions and future potential. The heart of the Albert-Schweitzer Children’s Village and Family Facility are the children’s villages that house kids and youth, who for different reasons cannot grow up with their parents.

Alpine crossing on touring skis – the route

210 kilometers and 14,500 meters of vert – For this route from Ruhpolding to Kasern recreational athletes need approximately five to seven days. Beni is aiming for the magic time limit of 36 hours, non-stop. Already, back in 2006, Beni did this same route on touring skis together with five colleagues. With the name of “Hannibal,” the six athletes broke the then-record time of three days for the route.


Beni will not be alone this time either. A few days before March 9, a six-person scouting team will run the complete route and set ski tracks so on D-Day Beni “only” has to ski. Also, during the project, two experienced mountain guides will also always be at Beni’s side to ensure his safety. The risk of complete exhaustion is very big during this project.

The course is divided into eight stages with aid and gear stations at every section. There, Beni can warm himself, get aid, change clothes and, if needed rest a bit briefly, during the SPEED Transalp.

SPEED Transalp is supported by:


LIVE TRACKING MAP (from March 9, 5am)